The Chores of the Mothers

The first year of a mother is a time of unique life. A transition to new values ​​and a new look at the world. What a privilege to live these moments. In mommy adventures you can have the best options now.

mommy adventures

Pregnancy: the first upheaval

It all starts with this positive result on the pregnancy test, that smile that lights up your face, that sparkle in your eyes, those tears that flow all by themselves on your cheeks straight to the heart. Everything changes in one-tenth of a second. Instinctively, your hand is resting on your belly, as if, at that moment, you could already feel the little living being growing in you.

And it’s true, you are different and nothing will be like before. Your little belly bounced leaves no room for doubt: you will be a mom. Fears, doubts, questions jostle in the final stretch when you finally …

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