The Right Preparation in Writing Processes

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University archive, click on the link to get to the search box for student essays. Select the topic category to delimit. Here you will find essays from 2020. Through the site, you can search for student essays written by students at all Swedish colleges and universities (including the University of Borås).

Student papers are not scientific and you need to be aware of this if you want to refer to them in your work. For example, they can be used in the introduction to provide a background to your topic choice. You can also read others’ essays to get ideas about how you should handle the different parts of the essay and look at the sources used to get ideas for your own literature search.

The term essay is vague, but what everyone associates with it is that it is something you write in school, either for practice or as a test. In order to be able to give some good tips in essay writing, you have to consider what the purpose of the essay is. In school, most essays can be placed in any of the following categories:

Language practice – an essay written in Swedish, English or any other language subject, where the main focus is on being able to write a linguistically good text, and perhaps also to understand literary texts.

Exercise in Interpreting Information – This type of essay is more about interpreting information on a particular topic. This can be e.g. being a test in history in which to comment on the consequences of a historical event. It can also be a “classic” work, where the focus is also on gathering information, but of course, you also get several weeks to write. Under it has the category can also be added scientific research work, but it is not very common to write such until a higher level.

One thing that usually distinguishes essays is that they are subjective, with very own thoughts and analyses. Of course, this does not apply if, for example, it considers that a paper or a lab report is a kind of essay since one should be objective.

More info on essay for dummies

Writing essay / General tips

If you can choose what type of text to write, consider the following:

  • It is important to get started quickly to avoid a shortage of time.
  • Make an outline before you write, so you know about what to do with and when.
  • Everyone does not like to write a draft but wants to write “for real” directly.
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