Busting the Myths of Blocked Drains

Plumbing troubles can be a major headache, but dealing with blocked drains is something that many people are unsure how to handle. If the problem persists, it can lead to all sorts of serious issues such as water contamination and flooding. But click here , you don’t have to be a professional plumber to get to grips with blocked drains; you just need to know what to look out for and how to act.

How to Recognize a Blocked Drain

The tell-tale signs of a blocked drain include visible pooling of water around the affected area, in which case only an inch or two deep. Additionally, you may hear gurgling noises coming from your sink or toilet when the water is draining away – this is caused by air being forced through a blockage in the pipes.

One other sign that there is a problem is if your drains start …

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